Three fishes live in a pond, their names are Sita, Meena and Durga. They are very friendly. That year, the rains did not fall properly and the water level in the pond decreased to a great extent. A fish named Sita realized this and told the other two fishes. “Friends! This year the rains are not good. The pond we live in is going to dry up. So let’s not go into another pond. Otherwise the fishermen will come and catch us and kill us,” Sita warned the other two fish. “Let’s think when danger comes. Why worry, let’s burden God” said Meena. Durga said nothing. Sita, who felt that she could not live with these two, swam away from that pond on the same day in another small pond. After a few days, the water in the pond decreased.
Fishermen came and set nets and caught fish. Both Meena and Durga got caught in that trap. The fisherman started separating the fish caught in the net. He threw the dead fish on the bank of the pond and put the live fish in his basket. Then Meena fell motionless and unconscious. Thinking that it was dead, the fisherman threw it on the bank instead of putting it in the tank. Watching the time, Meena gently slipped into the pond. When Durga was suffocating, not knowing what to do, the fisherman put her in his basket. (5 Lines Short Stories with Moral values)
MORAL : Listen to good words from good friends. Instead of burdening God with everything, we should try our best and burden God only with the impossible. In every matter, like Sita, one should think ahead and get out of problems.
Monkey and Bird 5 Lines Short Stories with Moral Values

A bird lives on a tree in a forest. The bird is very intelligent. Some monkeys also live on the trees nearby. It was very cold in the winter of that year. Some glow worms came there. The monkeys saw the light coming from the glow worms and misled them to be fire and sat around them and started getting cold.
The bird laughed at the ignorance of the monkeys and said, “Friends! They are not sparks, but glow-worms. Their light will not quench your cold. There is a fire burning near that distant tree. Go there and cool off.” Hearing the words of the bird, the monkeys got angry and said, “Are you even giving us advice? Shut up and go away, don’t you think we don’t have as much knowledge as you?” A monkey said in it. But the bird did not go away, the bird remained on the tree. The angry monkey came to the bird and wanted to hit it. But the bird saw the danger and escaped from there. (5 Lines Short Stories with Moral values)
MORAL : Never preach to fools. Such people do not listen to our good words and harm us.
Greedy Dog 5 Lines Short Stories with Moral Values
Once upon a time in a peaceful village lived a dog named Max. Max is known for his greed and insatiable appetite. He was always looking for food. One day Max was walking around the village when he spotted a bone lying near a butcher shop. His eyes lit up with excitement as he imagined the delicious meal he could make. Without a second thought he grabbed the bone in his mouth and ran away. As he passed by Max had to cross a narrow bridge over a river. When he reached the middle of the bridge, he looked down and saw his reflection in the water.
But not knowing the concept of reflection he thought he saw another dog with a bigger bone in the water. Greedy Max came up with the idea of having two bones. He growled at his own reflection and tried to grab the other dog’s bone. In this order he threw his bone into the river below. To his dismay the bone he saw in the water was not another dog’s bone, but his own reflection. Max realized his mistake but it was too late. Because of his greed he lost the bone he first found. Grieving the loss of him, Max returns home empty-handed. He learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of his greed and impulsive actions. (5 Lines Short Stories with Moral values)
MORAL : Greed leads to loss and despair. It’s important to be content with what you have and not let greed cloud your judgment.
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