Lion and Bull Moral Stories in English with Pictures PDF

Moral Stories in English with Pictures PDF
Lion and Bull Moral Stories in English with Pictures PDF

Once upon a time there was a merchant named Vardhamanudu. He did business and earned a lot of money. No matter how much he earns, he spends some money on charity. Vardhamanu thought to earn more money. As a result, he wanted to go to distant places and do business. On a fine day, Vardhaman left for other places with the goods on the cart and taking the servants with him. An ox pulling a cart is called Sanjivaka. Another bull’s name is Nandikam. These two are very strong bulls.

While going through the forest, Sanjeevakuda’s bull could not pull the cart and slipped and fell down. His leg was completely damaged and he was unable to walk. Vardhaman took pity on it and stayed there for four days and got treatment. But it was no use, the bull could not walk. The humane Vardhaman kept some workers there and said, ‘Take care of the bull and bring it to me when the leg is well.’ He left the bull named Sanjeeva there in the forest and traveled with another bull. The workers arranged by Vardhamanu were afraid to stay in the forest and left the bull there within two days and went to Vardhamanu and lied that ‘the bull is fallen and we have also cremated it’. Sanjeevaka spent a week in that forest. Within a week, the leg pain subsided and Sanjeevaka was able to walk slowly. It grazes the grass in the forest and drinks the fresh water of the river and leads a comfortable life.

In a few days the bull became strong. One day the bull roared with joy. The lion who was ruling the forest got scared hearing that fierce scream. The lion was scared that some new animal stronger than him had come into the forest. The lion lives with some other animals and befriends two foxes. Hearing the roar of the bull, the lion trembles in fear. It could not even dare to go to the river to drink water. The two foxes noticed the fear of the lion and these foxes were loyal followers of the lion.

One of the jackals thought that this was a good time and said to the second jackal, “If we tell the lion not to buy animals that scream loudly, the lion will be kind to us.” Then the second fox said, “This idea is good, but if we have any danger in finding that animal, we will lose.” But the first fox was stubborn. “Because of this, the lion gives us the highest status. So let us both find that animal,” said the first fox. Then the second fox said, “You find that animal, I will not come.” Then the first fox went up to the lion and bowed humbly. Then the lion said, “You are wise, you have come on time. As I was going for water, I heard a terrible sound. It was as if an animal greater than me had entered the forest.” “It is a mistake to think that it is a great animal after hearing the sound. Just as the quail is small and big, the scream may be loud even if the animal is small! But why did they go to the river and come back without drinking the water?” said the fox.

“I don’t want to drink water,” said the lion solemnly, covering his fear. “If you allow me, I will come to find out the details of the creature that screams terribly,” he said. “Find out the details if you dare go!” The lion allowed. The fox left there and went to the bull. She was surprised to know that it was not an ordinary bull. After that she spoke to it in a friendly manner. The fox also wanted to eat the strong bull. “O bull! I am the servant of the king of this forest, the lion. Hearing your voice, the lion fell in love. It is the wish of our lion king to be friends with brave men like you. If you come with me, I will take you to them,” said the fox. The bull agreed. He took it to the lion king and introduced the bull saying “Lion king! He is the one who made that noise”. The lion king learned the information why the bull came to the forest. From that day the lion and the bull became good friends. The fox’s desire to be close to the lion king was not fulfilled. He sadly went to the second fox.

The foxes felt that they had made a mistake by introducing the bull to the lion king. The jackals thought, “Now what is the use of dwelling on the past. Let us create a rift between the lion king and the bulls and drive them away. If the lion kills the bull by himself, he can eat its meat too.”

After some time the friendship between the lion and the bull grew stronger. The lion stopped paying attention to the foxes. The lion king started asking the bull for advice on everything. Finally one day the lion king appointed the bull as his grand minister. Moreover, once the lion hunted the animals, after eating them, the foxes got food. The strengthening of the lion’s friendship with the grazing bull led to some impatience among the foxes. The two foxes don’t like the bull being the minister. The foxes do not want the ox to take the ministerial position that is due to them. The foxes made plans to break the friendship between the lion king and the bulls and create antagonism. He told the lion what was missing on the bull. They used to say wrong things to the bull on the lion. They tried to increase the distance between them by saying bad things about each other.

The fox went to the lion and said “King Lion the bull is very strong and also very intelligent. Any day the bull will try to defeat you and become the king of this forest.” The two jackals succeeded in inflaming the lion’s hatred towards the bull. Hearing this, the lion got angry. Hearing the foxes, the lion decided to fight the bull. After some time the foxes went to the bull “Bull! You are very strong, brave and valiant. You have all the qualities that this forest needs for a great king. If you want to be king, remove the lion’s barrier.”

And the bull roared and went to fight the lion. A lion met on the way. By saying false things against each other, the foxes provoked them greatly. The lion and the bull are furious in anger. A fierce battle ensued between the two, and the bull was defeated by the lion. The foxes were happy that their plan had succeeded as the lion and the bull fought and the bull removed the obstacle.

Moral Stories in English with Pictures PDF MORAL :

There are treacherous foxes beside us who create enmity between two friends. Their words should not be trusted.


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