Monkey beam Moral Stories in English for Class 7

Monkey beam Moral Stories in English for Class 7
Moral Stories in English for Class 7

In a village there was a rich man named Vajragupta. He committed countless sins during his lifetime. He wanted to atone for his sins on his last day. He went to a monk and suggested the way of atonement. To that the monk said that if you build a temple in the village and do Nityannadanam, your sins will be expunged. He immediately called the workers, cut down the big trees in the forest and started building the pavilion with logs.

Many monkeys live on the trees there. Under those trees some carpenters are cutting wood with sharp tools. A small stick is placed in the middle of the splits of the cut wood to make the wood split easily and the tools work well. As it was time for lunch, the carpenters left the stick between the wooden splits. The monkey flying on the tree noticed that no one was there and came to the stick between the splits of the tree. She put one foot in the split wood and the other outside the wood and pulled the small stick in the middle. After a while, two small sticks stuck out from the wood. The ape between the slits was crushed. Unable to bear the pain, The monkey came to his senses and decided not to do such things. Then the monkey went away.

MORAL : Don’t indulge in useless activities. If the mind does unsustainable things, the results will be the same.

Dog, Donkey and Washer Moral Stories in English for Class 7

Monkey beam Moral Stories in English for Class 7
Moral Stories in English for Class 7

In a village there lives a washerman named Davakamallu. He is rearing a donkey and a dog. A donkey carries clothes to be washed every day. After that she would carry the washed clothes back home. The washerman thought that the donkey was struggling too much and fed it more. Does the dog lack physical activity? is the concept of laundry. As a result, he stopped feeding the dog properly. The dog was furious at the owner’s discrimination. One day the washerman was fast asleep. That night a thief breaks into the washerman’s house and tries to steal valuables. Seeing this thief, the donkey said, “Friend! Have you noticed that a thief is taking valuables from our owner? If you bark loudly, the owner will wake up.” Hearing the cries, the dog said, “I have seen the thief. But our master is scolding me every day by not giving me a full stomach. This must happen to him, that’s why I will not cry out loud.”

“You liar! Do you think I won’t shout if you don’t shout? I too will shout and wake our master from his sleep, then I will make him catch the thief,” cried the donkey loudly. The donkey shouted loudly and the thief took the valuables with him and ran away. Even after the thief ran away, the donkey did not stop braying. He was very angry when the donkey’s screams disturbed the washerman’s sleep after he worked hard all day and wanted to sleep at night. He took a big stick and beat Gadidi. When the donkey came to its senses, the donkey left the place thinking that they should do their work.

MORAL : Therefore a donkey must do a donkey’s work, a dog must do a dog’s work. Whose work is better to do.

Fearless Fox Moral Stories in English for Class 7

Monkey beam Moral Stories in English for Class 7
Moral Stories in English for Class 7

A fox lives in a forest. It used to eat meat very much. Although not able to hunt animals, it used to collect and eat various types of meat with its intelligence. The fox eats the meat of animals hunted by wild animals like tigers and lions. One day the fox could not find food anywhere. After searching the forest for food, she finally reached the battlefield. Many kinds of animals like elephants, horses and human corpses were also found there. “Aha! My harvest is ripe. I will stay here for a while and eat these carcasses comfortably,” he said happily.

Meanwhile, there was a sound of battle bells. Suddenly the fox got scared and hid by the nearby tree. Did some wild animal come to eat him? She was confused, what’s wrong? noticed that. Again the eyes saw why such a sound came. She noticed that the sound came from the fruits of the tree falling on the ground due to the strong wind.

“These sounds are haunting me. I will eat these fruits first. After that, I will comfort these carcasses,” thought the fox first bit the fruits and ate them. After that it stayed there for a few days and ate those carcasses. If the jackal was frightened by the sound of the war bear and ran away, it would have lost enough food for several days.

MORAL : So it is not a good practice to be afraid of every little thing.


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7 thoughts on “Monkey beam Moral Stories in English for Class 7”

  1. Pingback: The Crab's Masterplan - MORAL STORIES in ENGLISH - MORALS

  2. Pingback: Destiny of the Merchant's Son - MORAL STORIES in ENGLISH

  3. Beautiful pictures of the story 😻😻😀😻😻😻😀😀😻😻😻😻😀😀😻😀😻😀😀😀😀😀😀😻😻😻😻