Stork and Cunning Fox Books to Read Online for Kids Story

Books to Read Online for Kids Story
Books to Read Online for Kids Story

A fox was looking for food. With great difficulty it found food. She ate the food very happily. One of the thin bones of the food got stuck in the fox’s teeth and got into trouble. Unable to bear the pain, the fox declared, “I will reward anyone who will remove the thin bone stuck in my teeth.” But no one came forward to help. Taking pity on the fox and hoping for a reward, a stork finally agreed to take out the thin bone stuck in its teeth. When the fox opened its mouth, the stork removed the thin bone stuck in its teeth with its long beak. Now the suffering of the fox is gone.

After finishing the work, the stork said “Fox! You announced that you would reward those who removed the thin bone stuck in your teeth, I removed the bone from your teeth! I will go if you give me the gift you want me to give,” said the stork. The fox said, “I announced that I would give a gift. How did you think that I would give it? You put your head in my mouth. Then I bit off your head and left it unkilled. That is the gift I gave you.” The stork left the area and flew away saying that I am alive.

Old dog and Bell Books to Read Online for Kids Story

Books to Read Online for Kids Story
Books to Read Online for Kids Story

There is a dog in a street. It scares everyone. It bites everyone, big and small. People were afraid to go to that street. The owner got bored of the dog and tied a bell around its neck. Since then, when people hear the sound of that bell, they are alert and protect themselves from dog bites. The dog used to get mad after seeing that bell. She felt proud when that bell rang. An old dog who saw this said, “This bell is not tied to your talent. Not even a reward for your greatness. A bell is tied around your neck as a sign that everyone should know your evil mind that bites everyone. “You should not be proud of this Bell, you should be ashamed,” she said. At the old dog’s words, the dog that bit everyone bowed its head in shame.

Dog and piece of meat Books to Read Online for Kids Story

Books to Read Online for Kids Story
Books to Read Online for Kids Story

A dog is very hungry. The whole town turned around for food. It could not find food anywhere. With great difficulty a piece of meat was found for it. She put it in her mouth and wanted to sit somewhere calmly and eat it. Meanwhile we had to cross a wooden bridge built over a small canal. Crossing the bridge, she looked down into the water. She saw her reflection in the water and thought it was another dog. The dog got greedy and wanted to eat even a piece of meat from the mouth of the dog that was seen in the water. Without a moment’s delay, it placed the piece of meat in its mouth on the wooden bridge and jumped into the canal.

As soon as the dog jumped into the water, all the water was scattered, so he could not see another dog or another piece of meat. Disappointed, she came to the shore and wanted to eat the only piece of meat she could find. Meanwhile a crow came and took the piece of meat and left. Condition of the dog Two pieces of meat were missing.

MORAL : Greed leads to sorrow. Live contentedly with what you have.

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