Once the fox saw the tiger very closely. The fox liked the stripes on its body. She was very sad that she didn’t have such beautiful stripes on her skin. The fox said to his friend โGod has given beautiful stripes on the body of a big tiger. Why didn’t you give it to us?” she asked. To which the friend replied, “God gives what He has to give.” It is not right to live without satisfaction by hoping for something that is not there,” he said. However, the fox did not lose hope. Anyway, she wanted to see the stripes on her body like tiger dung. One day a fox went to a village. Saw a shop there. As the shop owner went to lunch, there was no one in the shop.
In that shop there was a burning hearth, with an iron bar next to it. Thinking that this was the fox, he burned an iron rod in the oven and got bruises on his body. Despite the extreme pain in the body and legs, the jackal continued to bear it and gave more blows. Finally, its body fell there with legs and blisters. This is what a fox looks like when it sees a tiger.
MORAL : In this Kids Bedtime story Books online tells “If you live contentedly with what you don’t have, you can live comfortably.
Way of Life Kids Bedtime story Books online

A farmer had a strong bull. It is very hard work. The farmer takes good care of it by adding food on time. The bull is always hardworking and useful to the farmer in many ways. One day a big bull came there from somewhere. It has a blob on its forehead. Well decorated. In a few days it will be given to the village deity. So it was set free. Nobody called it nothing. Seeing the bull working hard, the big bull said, โYou are always working hard. You work to tears without a moment’s rest. Look at me! How free to roam? They give me a full stomach of rice without doing any hard work. “No one says anything to me, no one else threatens me, even if I roam freely in the streets, this is life,” she taunted the bull.
The bull said, “Whoever’s way of life is theirs. It is inappropriate to make fun of each other’s way of life. They should not do anyone’s work,” she replied. One day there is a fair. The farmer brought his bull to the temple and performed cow worship. Looking around, the bull saw a big bull tied to a tree. Knowing that in a few minutes it would be given to the village deity, it was weeping and wailing. Then the bull said, “Friend! You were set free with the intention of offering sacrifice to the deity. I may not have as much freedom as you. But if I work hard I will live for ten years,โ said the big bull. The big bull was very sorry for mocking the bull’s way of life.
MORAL : In this Kids Bedtime story Books online tells “It is not a good practice to make fun of one another’s way of life”.
A deceived deceiver Kids Bedtime story Books online
A man lives in a village. He is crafty. A person of deceitful behavior. Once he got sick. No matter how many medicines are used, the disease does not subside. The man became so sick that it was difficult to live anymore. One day he prayed to God that destiny is not written. โGod! “I will sacrifice a hundred horses to you if you cure my disease and make me alive,” pleaded the sick man. God thought to test this man and eased his sickness. The man who recovered was a fraud. He did not have the money to sacrifice more than a hundred horses. Then the man made a hundred horse figurines out of fat and said โGod! Accept the sacrifice of one hundred horses that I will give.โ He burnt the effigies.
God realized the man’s deception. God thought to teach the lesson of his deception with deception itself. That night God appeared in the dream of the trickster and told him that there was a boat full of golden treasure on the seashore. The impostor wanted to get the treasure and ran to the beach without noticing that it was midnight. The pirates saw the impostor there and took him to another island and sold him as a slave for a thousand gold coins. Even then that person did not know that he who cheated one person must be cheated by others.
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