A Fox with a cut off tail Free Bedtime stories for kids

Free Bedtime stories for kids
Free Bedtime stories for kids

A fox living in a forest wandered here and there at will without looking back and forth. By mistake, its tail got stuck in a thorn. No matter how hard he tried, the tail did not come out. The fox howled in pain. Finally, after pulling so hard, the tail broke off. At first the fox was deeply saddened by the loss of his tail. If the tail is gone, it’s gone. Survive that I survived! thought The fox felt humiliated when its beautiful, long tail was cut off. She was worried that her friends would make fun of her. A thought struck him like lightning. Went to friends.

Seeing the fox with its tail cut off, he asked, “What is this? Your tail is cut off?” asked the fellow foxes. The fox did not know what to say. A fox with a severed tail thought to cover up his mistake. The fox thought that all of them should not have the tail that I do not have. She conspired to do something and make everyone tailless.

“Friends! I cut off the tail to be beautiful. What is the use of a tail for us? We have to carry its weight all the time. It’s annoying. And when we run to hunt animals, the tail gets in the way. It’s lucky not to have a tail. So all of you should remove the tails from today.” She gave a waffle lecture. The wise foxes who heard that lecture did not believe the words of the tailless fox. Realized the fraud it was doing. (Free Bedtime stories for kids)

One of those foxes said, “I don’t understand what you are talking about because your tail is cut off. You want to cut off our tails because of your tail. We understand your low mind. We will not be deceived by your words. After saying this, all the foxes raised their bushy tails and waved away from there. The fox, whose tail was cut off because of his mistake, changed his face and went into the forest.

A Bird that wants freedom Free Bedtime stories for kids

Free Bedtime stories for kids
Free Bedtime stories for kids

There is a laborer in a village. He worked very hard from morning to evening. At the time of eating and sleeping, a bird came from somewhere and sat on a tree branch and sang a wonderful song. The laborer used to get mesmerized listening to those songs. One day he looked for that bird. He noticed that it was sitting on a tree branch and singing. The worker thought that if he caught it and locked it in a cage, he could sing and listen to it whenever he wanted. The next day, somehow, he caught the bird that was wandering and singing and locked it in a cage. The laborer who captured the bird was very happy. The bird that wanted to roam freely was very disappointed.

One day the laborer said to the bird, “O friend of the bird! Now you are my hostage. Whenever I ask you to sing. Your melodious voice is now mine.” To which the bird replied, โ€œI do not like to be a captive in a cage. I like to move freely. Neither I nor any of our race like to be captives. “If you are forced to sing like that, no one will sing,” she said. Hearing that answer, the laborer got angry. โ€œPolitely sing for me. Otherwise I will kill you and eat you,” threatened the worker. (Free Bedtime stories for kids)

The bird replied, “Please don’t kill me. I am not even food under your teeth. If you leave me, I will tell you three truths of life. They will be very useful for you.” The worker took the bird out of its cage and set it free to learn the truths of life that the bird was telling.

Immediately it flew and sat on a tree and said, โ€œDon’t believe the promise of those who took you as captives. Be content with what you have. Don’t keep what you have forever” and flew away in the air. (Free Bedtime stories for kids)

Punishment for greed Free Bedtime stories for kids

There are two friends in a village. The first of them was the jealous one. The second is greedy. Both together pray to God one day. God appeared. “I appreciate both of you for your devotion. I will give you whatever you want. But whatever the first wants, I will give double to the second,” said God. The first one said, โ€œGod! Give me a room full of gold and diamonds by now.”

God gave immediately. According to the first word of God, double what the first wanted, i.e. two rooms of gold, jewels and diamonds, went to the second greedy person. The joy of the latter knows no bounds. All this wealth is mine, he said. (Free Bedtime stories for kids)

Seeing this, the first one got jealous. He was enraged with jealousy. He could not bear to see his happiness. The first said to God, โ€œGod! Take out one of my eyes and make me blind,” he said. Immediately God took out one of the first man’s eyes.

The second lost both eyes and became blind. After that both suffered. The first one lost one eye and wasted his life for the neighbor, the second lost both eyes and became blind. Instead of taking advantage of the gift given by God, they destroyed themselves with jealousy, envy and greed. (Free Bedtime stories for kids)