Sun and Air Free Books for Kids Books Online

Free Books for Kids Books Online
Free Books for Kids Books Online

Once the sun and the wind had a small argument. Both argued that if I am strong, I am strong. Both wanted a test to decide who was stronger. A man is walking on the road. He is wearing a military uniform. The sun and the wind made a bet that whoever could undress him would be the strongest. First the wind blew. A man walking on the road held on tight to his garment so that it did not fly away despite the strong wind blowing. The wind gathered all its strength and blew even stronger. Yet the man did not remove his garment from his body. He still held tight. The fast blowing wind became dull and decreased in force.

“I can’t blow faster and stronger than this. Now you try,” said the wind to the sun. Now it is the turn of the sun to make the hot rays fall directly on the person walking on the road. His body was warmed by the heat of the sun. It is extremely hot. The body sweats. Unable to do anything, the man removed the clothes he was wearing from his body and went to the shade of a tree to rest. Needless to say, SUN won this competition.

Heart is a brave Deer Free Books for Kids Books Online

Free Books for Kids Books Online
Free Books for Kids Books Online

Once a deer grazes with her fawn in the meadows of the forest. They grazed the grass and chatted comfortably for a long time. Meanwhile the mother deer heard some screams. The mother deer looked carefully to see where the screams were coming from. At a short distance, she noticed wild dogs rushing towards her. Immediately it went into the bushes and hid and even the baby deer came to it and hid it. The baby deer did not agree to that. “You are a child. You do not understand. If those wild dogs come this way, your life will be in danger,” warned the mother deer. “There is no danger to my life. I am not afraid. I will stay here and graze the grass,” replied the baby deer.

One last warning. You come to me and hide in the bushes and save your life from the wild dogs,” warned the mother deer fiercely. The mother deer could not fight and the baby deer also hid in the bushes. The baby deer said to its mother β€œMother! You have long sharp horns don’t you? Can’t we save lives by threatening the wild dogs with their help? “If I had horns like yours, I would chase away wild dogs,” said the young deer. β€œI don’t have the courage of my heart, baby! However, to fight with wild dogs, just having a weapon is not enough. It also takes courage of the heart,” said the mother deer.

Soldier and Horse Free Books for Kids Books Online

Free Books for Kids Books Online
Free Books for Kids Books Online

A soldier had a wonderful horse. Once the war came. The soldier went to battle on a horse and won. During the war he massaged the horse every day. He provided good food. He drank water on time. A horse is a very active companion of a soldier in battle. The war is over. The soldier went home with the horse. He stopped caring about the horse. It was not massaged every day. Not even given good nutrition. At least he did not drink a full stomach of good water. A few days have passed.

The horse was sad. Meanwhile the war came again. The soldier mounted his horse and left for the battlefield. A horse that is not properly fed or lethargic cannot help him in battle. It fell on the battlefield. He also fought like a common low-ranking soldier along with everyone else. The soldier realized his mistake. The soldier felt that if he had taken care of his horse at home as well as he did during the war, he would not have met this fate today.

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