Charunda Bird Free Childrens Books Storiesonline

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In a kingdom there lived a two-headed bird on a tree on the bank of a river. Its name is Charunda bird and people used to look at it strangely. Painters used to paint the picture of that bird. Everyone thought it was a divine bird. One day a fruit fell in front of the bird. A bird’s head took the fruit and ate some. “This fruit is so delicious. I have never eaten such a delicious fruit before,” said the one-headed bird while eating the fruit. “Does that fruit taste that good? But give me that fruit too. I will taste it too,” said the second head. “What I eat goes into one stomach, what you eat goes into one stomach. So whoever of us eats goes into the same stomach. That fruit goes into our stomachs, right?” That is the first head. The second head said, “Though the stomach is one, the heads are different, I can only taste it if I eat it.” The first head gave a piece of the fruit to his wife saying “I will not give it to you”.

The wife of the bird who ate the piece of fruit kissed the first head. The second head was very upset that at least he didn’t have a piece to taste. Burning with anger, she wanted to take revenge on the first head. One day the second head was going to eat the poisonous fruit. “If either you eat that fruit, we will both fall” said the first head. “You have eaten what you like. What if I eat what I like? I will take revenge on you in this way,” she ate the poisoned fruit. The two-headed bird fell. All the people were saddened by this scene.

Lobster Aid Free Childrens Books Storiesonline

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In a village called Kailasapuram, there was a housewife named Suramma. She had a son named Shiva. One day Lord Shiva left for the neighboring village after work. “Don’t go to the next town alone. Take someone with you. Traveling in the forest without anyone by your side is very dangerous,” said the mother. “They are busy with their work. Who will accompany me?” said Shiva. The mother’s mind did not agree to send her son alone to the neighboring village. She put a lobster in a small basket and said, “Keep this basket with you, my son!” gave that. Shiva left for the neighboring village through the forest path. As it was time for lunch, he sat down under a tree and took a short nap. Meanwhile, a poisonous snake came there and slithered into the basket placed beside Shiva while he was sleeping. The lobster in the basket knocked down the snake with its sharp hands. Meanwhile Shiva woke up and saw what was in the basket. With the snake lying down, a lobster appeared next to it. Shiva noticed that the lobster in his mother’s basket supported him and thanked his mother in his heart for her kindness.

Flying Storks and flightless Ducks Free Childrens Books Storiesonline

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Free Childrens Books Storiesonline

Some storks are eating grain in the crop fields. They used to come and go in droves and eat grain every day. They did not stop there. Crop fields have also started to be damaged. The white ducks observed what the storks were doing every day. They also look like storks but cannot fly. This is what the ducks thought when they saw the storks. “We live by eating worms every day. They thought it would be good to graze the crop like these storks. As expected, all the wet ducks fell on the crop field and began to graze and destroy it. The stork leader noticed this. “Duck friends! You’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing. Even if we spoil the crop, we can fly in the sky with the help of our wings without reaching the farmer. You cannot fly alone. You will be caught easily by the farmer and you will bring danger. So all of you stop destroying crop fields and eat insects as usual,” said the stork leader.

The ducks did not count those words. They continued the program of destroying the crop fields. The farmer got very angry when he saw his crops destroyed. The farmer thought that his crops were being destroyed by ducks and called some hunters. The storks flew into the sky when they saw the hunters. The hunters caught the ducks.

MORAL : When someone gives us instructions, we should think whether those instructions are good for us.

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