A captured Donkey Free Short stories for Kids Book

Free Short stories for Kids Book
Free Short stories for Kids Book

A donkey thought that its owner, the washerman, was carrying too many loads and ran away into the forest. There was found the skin of a lion lying on it. Donkey has always had an insatiable desire. Everyone is afraid of the lion. Similarly, the desire of the donkey is that everyone should be afraid of him. Immediately the lion covered himself with skin and went to the village. Deluded that it was a real lion, the people ran away in fear. Donkey’s joy knows no bounds. As the people were running like that, the donkey was happy to chase them and frighten them.

As the joy crossed the limits, the donkey gave a redoubled cry of excitement. Hearing its voice, the washerman who owned the donkey came there, removed the lion skin that covered it, punished it with a stick, put a bundle of clothes on it to be washed and dragged it to the canal.

MORAL : Even though we disguise ourselves with beautiful clothes, ugly words reveal our true nature.

Courage to support in danger Free Short stories for Kids Book

Free Short stories for Kids Book
Free Short stories for Kids Book

There are some dogs living in a village. They wanted to see what the city was like. Immediately all went to the city together. Good deeds were done in some streets. The rest of the food items were disposed of in street garbage cans. The village dogs became hungry when they saw the food. They ate eagerly. Meanwhile some city dogs came there. “Are these dogs from our street?” Thinking that, they attacked the village dogs by barking loudly. All the village dogs got scared and ran away. But a dog stood there barking bravely. “If you come near me, I will kill you,” the city dogs barked at the village dog who stood without fear.

No matter how much they barked, even the village dog still stood bravely barking loudly. The city dogs were afraid of the courage of the village dog. Tired of barking and barking, without attacking the village dog, they turned back and walked away as if a barking dog would not kill them.

MORAL : If we face danger without fear, that courage will save us. A solution to the problem will also be found.

Horoscope unknown to astrologer Free Short stories for Kids Book

Free Short stories for Kids Book
Free Short stories for Kids Book

There is a big astrologer in a village. He makes a living telling everyone’s horoscopes. “You will be lucky like honey silk. You will get money because of a virgin. Your life will be golden” he said to each one in a different way and earned a lot of money. One day a man came to an astrologer for a horoscope. The astrologer told many things about him. Then the man said, “Gentiles! Do you know your horoscope?” He said. “That’s a crazy question” replied the astrologer. “The doors of your opposite house are open. It seems that some thieves have entered your house. Look at that first,” said the person who came to tell the horoscope.

The astrologer ran towards the house. Another person who saw the scene said, “You tell everyone’s horoscope, don’t you? Don’t you know your horoscope?” He asked.

MORAL : It is not a good practice to give advice and suggestions to others while being careless and careless in matters related to us.

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