There is a fine temple in a village. A pair of pigeons lives on its dome. They are very plump and fleshy. An eagle always plans to get them. But the temple was always crowded with people. So the Eagle scheme did not succeed. The female dove noticed the eagle’s gaze. One day the female pigeon said to the male pigeon, “That eagle’s eyes are different. Thinking of getting us. I feel that we are always in fear of our lives because of it. Therefore, I think it would be better if we change our abode from here to another place.” The male pigeon smiled at that and said, “You fool! You don’t know about my powers. I have the power to fight and kill even eagles. When faced with such problems, we should show our bravery but run away with cowardice?” She said loudly.
Thinking that her husband has a lot of courage and fighting skills, the dove forgot about the eagle. The pair of pigeons continued to live on the top of the temple. One day the temple was closed due to solar eclipse. No one came. The eagle kicked the male pigeon outside the nest. Thinking that her life is also in danger, the female pigeon crawled into the nest. (Moral Lesson 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral)
MORAL : The results are the same if you drink beer with bad breath. Knowing that dangers are coming and trying to escape, if we think that nobody and nothing can do anything to us, then we must turn away.
Smart Birds Moral Lesson 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral

Some birds live on a big tree in a forest. Big vines spread up to the top of the tree. An old bird noticed this. “Friends! These vines have spread up to the top of the tree. This will always threaten our lives. So let us vacate this base and go elsewhere,” said the old bird. “How can our lives be endangered if these vines spread to the top of the tree,” said a young bird. “Catching these vines, predators can reach the nests we have built and harm them,” said the old bird. The rest of the birds ignored this. They felt that it would not make sense to evacuate the base for fear of danger. A few days passed. One day all the birds went to feed. At this time a hunter holds the vines and sets small snares on the tree. In the evening the birds reached the nest and got stuck in those traps. (Moral Lesson 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral)
“If you listen to what I say and evacuate this base, wouldn’t that be a threat?” That is an old bird. “There is no use in cursing each other, come up with some trick to save our lives,” said a bird. To which the old bird replied, “The hunter will come in the morning. Pretend you are all collapse at that point. Assuming you are all collapse, the hunter frees each bird from the trap and throws it down. The rest of the birds must remain motionless and pretend to be collapse until the last bird falls down. “When the last bird is brought down by the hunter, all the birds must fly into the air and escape.” The next morning the hunter came and assumed that the birds were collapse and untied each bird and threw it down. All the birds pretended to be collapse as the old bird said. When the last bird fell down, all the birds flew into the sky at once. The hunter stood staring at the scene with his mouth agape.
MORAL : If you think wisely when danger comes, you can get out of danger.
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