Swan and Owl Moral Stories in English for Class 10

Swan and Owl story Moral Stories in English for Class 10
Swan and Owl Moral Stories in English for Class 10

A swan lives comfortably in a forest pond. She was comfortable eating the food she wanted and swimming in the pond. One day an owl came from nowhere. Swan said “Where do you live? Why did you come here?” asked the owl. “I live in a big house, I have come from a long way to befriend you. You are very respectful of others, so my life will be blessed to be friends with you,” said the owl. The swan was overwhelmed by the owl’s words. “Friend! You can stay here for as many days as you want,” said the swan. Both spent a few days happily together. The swan treated the owl very well. Then the owl said “Friend! You also come to my abode and receive my hospitality.” After a few days the swan went to the owl’s abode. An owl lives in a cave. Seeing the swan, the owl said, “Friend! I can’t see in daylight. I will talk to you after dark” and went into the cave.

After dark the owl came out of the cave and talked to the swan for a while. That night they slept outside the cave. That night some hunters went to another area and stayed near the cave as it got dark. Early in the morning they wake up and blow the conch as part of the preparations for the journey. The owl screamed in fear at the sound. The aborigine believed that the screeching of an owl during a journey was a bad omen and shot the owl with an arrow. Sensing the danger, the owl wisely went into the cave. The arrow missed the target and hit the swan. This puts the swan in danger and the swan escapes and goes home. At the time of danger, leaving the virtue of friendship, the owl took his own life selfishly, disregarding his friend the swan. Swan understood that he should not be friends with such people.

MORAL : Befriending selfish friends will have bad results.

Louse and Bedbug Moral Stories in English for Class 10

A King had a thick beard. A louse joins it and time passes. While the King was fast asleep, the louse would sting him and fill his stomach with blood. During the day, the louse comes out of the chin and hides under the pillow or under the blanket and leads a comfortable life out of sight. One day Bedbug reached the King’s bed. It said to Louse “Friend! If you drink the blood of the king, you will get a lot of intelligence. So I came here from a long distance tired and exhausted. If you give me a chance, I will drink King’s blood and fill my stomach,” said Bedbug. “Why did you feel like drinking King’s blood?” asked Louse. “King eats a variety of delicious foods every day. Therefore his blood is very tasty. Hence I have a strong desire to taste his blood,” pleaded Bedbug. Louse agrees when Bedbug comes and pleads with her.

Louse advises Bedbug, “Well, you set up camp under the king’s bed. Satisfy your heart while the king sleeps.” Every day after the King slept, Bedbug on one side and Louse on the other drank the King’s blood. One day King ate many kinds of food. Due to a very full stomach, the king did not sleep well that night. Before going to sleep, King went black and stabbed her neck hard and sucked the blood. King felt pain and called the soldiers. “Some insect has bitten me, carefully find the insect,” he ordered.

At this the soldiers came with lamps and looked at the king’s neck. At that moment Louse was seen poking at King’s chin. Thinking that the same King’s had been stung, the soldiers pulled out the louse and threw it out.

MORAL : We should not approach others without knowing their nature. If you approach us like that, it is like buying risks.

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