Stork, Snake and Mongoose Moral Stories in English for Class 4

Moral Stories in English for Class 4
Stork, Snake and Mongoose Moral Stories in English for Class 4

A pair of storks live in a nest on a tree in a forest. The snake in the nest under the tree started eating the eggs and babies laid by them. To get out of the problem caused by the snake, a pair of storks thought of a trick. A mongoose lives nearby in a hole in the ground. The storks brought some fish and dropped the fish from the snake’s nest to the hole where the mongoose was living. The mongoose came out of the hole and ate the fish until the snake was born. Meanwhile, the snake came out of the den. As soon as it drowned, It conquered the snake and drove it away. Seeing this scene, the storks were very happy that the snake’s pain was broken. Meanwhile, the storks faced another problem. Every day the mongoose climbed the tree and started eating the stork eggs.

MORAL : It is not right to think of a trick and the danger that comes with it should also be felt. Otherwise similar problems will occur.

Growing nature Moral Stories in English for Class 4

Moral Stories in English for Class 4
Growing Environment Moral Stories in English for Class 4

A pair of parrots live on a tree in a forest. They had two children. One day a pair of parrots went hunting for food. At that time a thief came and stole the baby parrots and put them in a basket and took them away. The basket has a hole. A parrot fell down on the way. A Brahmin saw this scene and took the parrot lying on the road and took it to his ashram. A parrot grew up with a thief and another parrot grew up with a Brahmin. A few months later King came that way to hunt. At first the King is riding a horse by the house where the thief resides. The parrot raised by the thief screamed at King.

“Some thief has come! Hit him him” shouted the parrot. The king was frightened by the screams and made his horse run away. The horse went straight and stopped at the ashram where the Brahmin lived. There the Brahmin saw the parrot King. “A guest has come! Invite. Bring fresh water and fruits. Entertain the guest,” said the parrot. King learned the story of parrots through Brahmin. Two parrots are born in the womb of one mother. But there is a difference in the growing environment. The environment in which the parrot grew up at the thief is different, the environment in which the parrot grew up in our ashram is different. Their temperaments differed depending on the environment they grew up in,” explains Brahmin.

MORAL : There is a difference in intellect according to the environment in which it is raised.

Gracious Swan Moral Stories in English for Class 4

Moral Stories in English for Class 4
Gracious Swan Moral Stories in English for Class 4

A swan lived in a forest. It is very gracious swan. Always doing good to others. A crow came to the swan to befriend it and boast about it. Befriended the swan by saying faithful words. The good-minded swan unknowingly befriended the evil-minded crow. The crow went to his fellow birds and boasted that the swan, the best bird, was his friend. One day a hunter came to hunt. No matter how much he looked around that day, he could not find the birds. Tired of the heat, he rested under a tree and fell asleep. Swan felt sorry for his condition. The swan began to throw its wings at the sleeping hunter. The hunter slept soundly in that cool breeze.

Seeing this, the mean-spirited crow said, “What a good mind you have. But you are serving a hunter who has come to take our lives. Don’t you feel ashamed to serve such a scoundrel?” said. “Whether others are good or bad, we should consciously help them.” said Swan. “Do as you please? Serve such scoundrels well?” The crow scoffed and left with a big droppings on the hunter’s face.

The sleep-deprived hunter was furious. He opened his eyes and saw a swan. The hunter thought that the swan had a drop on his face and was about to endanger the swan. But the swan first sensed the danger and ran away. The ill-intentioned crow blamed the swan for what he had done.

MORAL : Friendship with evil minded people is always dangerous.


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