A rabbit lives in a forest. Once a rabbit went to a distant place for some time. At that time a pigeon occupied its home. A rabbit who had gone to a distant place returned after a few days and found the pigeon occupying his home. “It is not right that you are encroaching on my abode. I have built this abode with great effort. Go away politely,” said the rabbit. “Anyone can live anywhere in this wilderness. You shout as if this is your own place. You have not resided here for a long time, so you have lost your right to this residence. “So you go to another place from here,” said the pigeon. A quarrel arose between the two. “Let’s go to someone good and solve this problem,” said the rabbit. The “right word” is the pigeon.
As the two were walking together, they saw an old cat waiting for food under a tree, pretending to do penance with rosaries. Unable to run for food, the cat got used to killing and eating the innocent little animals that came towards him wearing this disguise in his old age. Not knowing this, the rabbit and the pigeon went to the cat who appeared on the road to judge. Seeing the cat, the rabbit got scared. “Looking at this cat, I am suspicious. “If we approach it, we are afraid that there will be danger to our lives,” said the rabbit. “If you are so afraid, don’t ask me to vacate my place, just look after your way, there will be no problem,” said the pigeon.
“Whatever happens, that’s my home, what happens. Let’s get to it,” said the rabbit. The cat pretended to be chanting. Due to old age, it had not been able to get food for a long time. Now it came to him in search of food. Without further delay, the cat tried to jump on the rabbit and the pigeon. But the rabbit and the pigeon realized the danger early and escaped from the cat. The helpless cat was sad that the food had gone away.
MORAL : When there are problems, we should talk and resolve them amicably. Helping people who are known to harm us will do more harm than good.
Elephant and Sparrow Moral Stories in English for Class 5

A couple of sparrows settled on a big tree in a forest. The female sparrow laid some eggs. Meanwhile, as the sun was high, an elephant stood under the tree to rest. The elephant was restless and rubbed the tree hard as if no one was as strong as him. All the sparrow eggs in the nest on the tree fell down and broke. It was an accident that the sparrows eggs broken. As all the eggs were broken, the female sparrow cried a lot. Hearing the cry of the sparrow, the woodpecker quail living in the neighboring tree came and learned about it. “My friend! If you sit and cry, you will fall. You must take revenge on the elephant that broke your tusks,” said the woodpecker.
“How can we take revenge on a mountain elephant?” Said the pair of sparrows, “Let’s go to my friend Firefly. Will that do the trick?” said the wood-quail, and all together went to the firefly. “The elephant is very strong. Avenging it is not easy. Let’s go to the frog my friend. That’s what the firefly said. They all went to the frog together.
“It’s easy to take revenge on an elephant,” the frog told everyone a trick. Everyone got ready to practice the trick that the frog had told. First the firefly goes to the elephant’s eye and tries to sting. The elephant tried to escape by closing and opening its eyes. Meanwhile the woodpecker came and pierced the elephant’s eye. The elephant started running without seeing one eye. The firefly tried to pierce the second eye. The elephant closed its eyes and ran. The woodpecker chased it and also pierced the second eye. The blind elephant started running. There a frog sat on the edge of the hill and cried. Hearing the cry of the frog, the elephant ran away thinking that there was a pond on this side. As the elephant’s eyes could not see properly, it ran very fast and went into the deep place. The elephant could not come out of that place.
MORAL : We should not think that ‘no one is stronger than us, no one can do anything to us’. The results are the same if we turn around even small creatures.
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Good story
Thank you