Rat and Pigeon Panchatantra story

Panchatantra story
Panchatantra story

A rat named Hiranyakuda was very intelligent. It helps others a lot. A rat used to live in a small hole in a house. There was a saint in that house. He would put the food in a pot and tie the pot to a stick. There were many kinds of food items in the pot. The rat used to eat the food items in the pot every day in the absence of the saint. Sensing this, the saint thought of a trick to catch the mouse. But the mouse was very clever and managed to escape from it. Then the mouse knew that it was dangerous to stay in the house and went gently to the forest. There the mouse met Chitragriva, the king of pigeons. Friendship grew between the two. Many pigeons also live on the biggest tree in that forest. Among them is a crow. All the pigeons used to rest on the tree at night and go hunting for food at dawn. All live together very friendly. One day all the pigeons went hunting for food. At that time a hunter came. The hunter had set up a net under a tree, set the nets, and hid in the canopy of an adjacent tree to see what was going on.

The hunter’s hope is that the birds that come to eat those nukes will get caught in the net. At that time pigeons were flying in the sky. An old pigeon saw this nook. “Gentlemen! I am older than all of you. We are all flying from far and wide in search of food. We see pigeons under this tree. It would be foolish to want to go somewhere with food here. We all listen to my words and eat the pigeons under the tree,” said the old pigeon. Chitragriva did not like that. “Friends! Why is there nook under the tree in this uninhabited forest? I am suspicious of something. I suspect there is some conspiracy involved. So if we go down, it is as if we have bought the danger,” warned the king of pigeons.

Hearing the words of the old pigeon, all the hungry pigeons rushed under the tree to eat the nuts. All of them were caught in the hunter’s net. The king of the pigeons scolded the old pigeon who had given this advice, feeling sad that he had come down without listening to Chitragriva. One of the pigeons said, “Friends! At this time, it is not reasonable to blame this old pigeon and to suffer among ourselves by quarrels. We should think of a way to escape from this danger.” The hunter is coming this way. We should all remember that unity is our greatest strength. If we all fly up at once, the net will also rise up with us. So shall we all go up at once?” Chitragriva, the king of pigeons advised. All the pigeons were very happy with this advice. All at once flew into the sky, and the net rose with them. The hunter was alarmed when he saw the net flying away along with the pigeons. There was no loss if the pigeons were not found, but the hunter, who thought that he would get at least his livelihood, chased the pigeons in the net some distance away. The pigeons went too far. The hunter went home disappointed that he could not find any more nets. A crow on a tree was watching this strange thing. The pigeons flew away with the net, but the raven chased them in the sky, curious to know how they escaped from the net. After going some distance, Chitragriva, the king of pigeons, pointed to a tree. “Friends! Let us all crouch under that tree. In the hole under the tree lives my friend Hiranyakadu. He bites the net with his fangs. Chitragriva, the king of pigeons, will make us free from bondage.

All the pigeons flew away with the net and landed under the tree where the rat was as Chitragriva had said. “Friend! Hiranyaka! We are in danger. Come out of the hole and free us,” demanded Chitragriva, the king of pigeons. Hearing Chitragriva’s voice, the rat from the hole came out and bit the net and freed the pigeons. All the pigeons thanked the mouse and flew away. the rat It went into the hole. After seeing this scene, the crow went to the mouse hole and “Friend Hiranyaka! My name is Laghupatanakamu. I have seen the good you have done to the pigeons. I am pleased to see your friendship. A true friend is one who helps in danger. I also want to be your friend. Please come out of the hole and accept my friendship,” pleaded the crow. “Your words are very sweet. But the crow race and the rat race have natural enmity. Friendship with you is a threat to my life know well I will not be fooled by your tricks,” said the rat. A crow does or turns away.

Tiger and Gold bracelet Panchatantra story

Panchatantra story
Panchatantra moral story

An old tiger lived on the bank of a pond. The tiger was old and had no hunting power and could not hunt animals. The tiger was very hungry and thought how to get food. Then the tiger thought of a trick. The tiger used to call the passers-by and say, “O wayfarer! I have a gold bangle, I want someone to give it to the pious. You seem like a saint to me. So take this gold bangle.”

“Tiger king! You are a carnivore, if you come to take that gold bracelet, how about you eat me?” he asked. “O wayfarer! I have given up meat somehow and become a vegetarian. I live by eating beets and radishes. Moreover, as I grow old, my strength has also decreased, my teeth are worn out, my nails are dull, how can I eat you? I have killed and eaten many people in the past. I have decided to do good deeds and give gold bracelets to wayfarers as an atonement. “I will give you this bracelet if you go to the pond and take a clean bath,” the tiger hoped. The greedy wayfarer believed that the tiger was telling the truth. Then the wayfarer went down to the pond to bathe. As there was mud in that pond, the wayfarer shouted, “Save me, save me.” Saying, “Don’t be afraid wayfarer, I will save you,” said the tiger roaring towards the wayfarer. The passer-by noticed this and walked a little through the mud to the shore to save himself from the tiger, and from there the passer-by went away. The tiger was worried that he could not find food.

The mouse saved the lion Panchatantra story

Panchatantra story

A lion lived in a forest. A rat lives in a hole adjacent to its habitat. The rat used to play and sing in the area every day and eat the food it found. One afternoon when the lion was fast asleep, the mouse went and played with the lion’s whiskers for a while. A mouse hangs on a lion’s stomach. The lion became sleepy and opened his eyes once to see the mouse. An angry lion caught the mouse in his den. The mouse was very scared. Then the mouse said, “Beast king! Leave me alone, one day I will help you and pay off your debt.” The lion smiled and warned, “You don’t have to hide, will you help me? I leave you this time, don’t appear in front of my eyes anymore.” After a few days, the lion became a hunter. Trapped in the net. The lion was shouting for someone to help. No animal dared to help the ferocious lion. At that time, the mouse came forward to help the lion and bit the net with its sharp teeth. The lion got out of the net. Today the mouse owes its life to the lion for letting the lion do not harm him that day. So the lion learned that “to help, there is no difference between small, big, high, low, rich, poor, just having a good heart to help.”


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