Mosquito and Lion Read free Books online PDF

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A mosquito prides itself on being very strong. It went to the lion one day and said, “I am stronger than you. I will prove it if you want.” “You are no match for me. Will you challenge me, the king of the jungle? I will crush you,” said the lion. The mosquito provoked the lion saying, “You can’t do anything more than claw animals and hunt animals with sharp teeth.” A fight started between the two. The mosquito flew in the wind and made strange noises through its mouth, and wherever it landed on the lion’s cheek and face, the sting spread. Enraged to defeat the mosquito, the lion slapped the mosquito repeatedly on the face with its claw. As the mosquito escaped, the blow hit the lion on the face and he winced in pain. Although this thread stretched between the two of them for a long time, the lion was tired but the mosquito did not get caught in it.

Mosquito flew away with pride of victory, dismayed that there is no one as strong as him in this creation. The mosquito got stuck in a spider’s web. The spider ate it. The mosquito collapsed and fell because it had to be defeated by a small spider.

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There is a beach next to a forest. One day the lion hunted a big animal and ate his fill and was resting on the seashore. At that time a crocodile came to the shore from the sea. The lion saw the crocodile and asked, “Who are you?” she asked. “My name is crocodile. I am the king of the sea. And you,” said the crocodile. “My name is lion. I am the king of the forest,” said the lion. “If we are friends there will be no opposition. We can conquer all. Let us be friends from today. I will help you in case of any accident. You must protect me when I am in danger. Let’s help each other and be good friends for the rest of our lives,” said the crocodile.

“This crocodile is very big. If I make friends with it, it will help me in times of trouble,” the lion agreed to the friendship. From that day both of them became very friendly. One day an elephant came to that beach. “Who are you?” The crocodile asked the elephant. “I am the king of the jungle,” said the crocodile. “Who is the lion if you are the king of the jungle?” asked the crocodile. “What! I know. I am the biggest and strongest animal in the forest. Therefore, I am also the king of the forest,” said the elephant, roaring loudly. Just then the lion who came there heard those words. If I am the king of the forest, I am the king, the elephant and the lion went to war. The fight between the two was fierce. The lion is tired. It did not understand what to do. The lion looked at the crocodile.

“Am I fighting the elephant for my life? You are my friend. Can’t you help me defeat the elephant?” The lion asked the crocodile. The crocodile replied, “I want to help you, but I cannot. Because my strength does not work on land, I am strong in water. “You decide who is the king,” said the crocodile and went into the sea. The lion got very angry when he heard the chants. A friend who cannot save when in danger is useless. So I don’t need your friendship” said the lion and went to the forest. So choose your friends carefully and carefully.

MORAL : Goodness alone is not enough to choose friends. Their competence and qualification should also be selected.

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Once all the parts of the body are on the stomach. All of us work very hard but the food goes in the stomach. Therefore, all the organs thought that we should all go on strike without working for a few days. Since then all the organs have stopped working. The hands did not feed the food to the mouth. The mouth stopped opening. Teeth are not chewing. After four days, the body was exhausted. Every organ is dead. At that point the brain intervened. “Friends! All of us, the members, are safe because of doing their work. If they do their work without being proud of the fact that I am great, then everyone will be safe.

Notice who’s the greatest,” advises the brain. Every organ in the body works hard. It should not be assumed that only I am functioning and other organs are not functioning. If you think like that, you will get damaged along with other organs.

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