There is a big tree in a forest. A monkey lives on it. A river flows beside the tree. The monkey lived comfortably by eating ripe fruits and drinking water from the river. One day while the monkey was eating fruit, a fruit slipped from his hand and fell into the water of the river. The fruit was eaten by a crocodile living in the river. The fruit was very tasty. “Monkey! I have always wanted to eat these fruits. Today I ate a fruit because of your kindness. It is very tasty. If you give me more fruits, I will eat them.” The crocodile comes, the monkey gives it fruits and the crocodile eats it. After a few years of this, the friendship between the two became stronger. In this process, the crocodile also reduced his visits to his home.
One day the crocodile went to his house in the middle of the river. His wife is not well. Just then the doctor came and examined him. “What happened?” asked the crocodile. “Sir! You are not coming home for a few days. Your wife is sick with anxiety. If you bring me a monkey, I will make a good medicine,” said the doctor. “The beloved monkey is very good. It is a sin to betray a friend. It is necessary to save the wife. In many ways, a friend is not better than a wife,” thought the crocodile in his mind. The crocodile went to the monkey to save his wife and said “Friend! I told my wife about our friendship. She wants to bring you to my house one day. So I came to take you. “If you sit on my back, I will take you to my house in the river,” said the monkey. (Reading English story Books PDF)
The monkey believed the crocodile’s words and came down from the tree and sat on the crocodile’s back. Immediately the crocodile carried his friend the monkey and swam away to his home in the river. When he reached the middle of the river, the crocodile said, “I am going to commit a big sin today. My wife is sick, the doctor said that he will prepare the medicine if he brings the monkey. Therefore, I am taking you. I will prepare medicine from you to save my wife.” I brought it to life, didn’t I?” The monkey worried. While thinking about how to get out of danger, the monkey got a brilliant idea. “Friend! What did you do so foolishly? It would have been better if you had told me this right there. I am the bringer of delicious and good fruits to your wife, because of which your wife will be very happy” said the monkey.
“What a foolish thing I have done. I will immediately turn back and take you to the tree. You bring the tasty fruits,” said the crocodile and swam very fast to the shore. The monkey jumped on the shore and sat on the tree” the crocodile said. “You idiot! Do you think that I will come with you knowing the truth that you will take my life? You are a traitor. Go back” she said to the crocodile. Either way, the crocodile went away. (Reading English story Books PDF)
Reading English story Books PDF MORAL : If we think wisely, we can avoid any danger easily.
Brahmin and Black goat Reading English story Books PDF

A Brahmin living in a village bought a black goat in the market to raise a goat, put it on his shoulders and left for his village. Four thieves followed him on the way. They planned to kill this goat anyway. First a thief was encountered in the guise of a Brahmin. “Sir! They are like Brahmins. “Why are you carrying a black dog on your shoulders?” he asked. “O innocent one! On my shoulders is a black goat, not a black dog. What is a dog holding a goat and working,” the Brahmin said to him. After some distance, the second robber met him and said, “Brahmin! Why are you carrying a black dog on your shoulders?” He said. “Are you crazy? “You are holding a black goat and calling it a black dog,” he scolded and continued.
The Brahmin thought that they all wanted to say that. After going some distance, he met the third thief and said the same thing. After going some distance, the fourth thief met him and said, “Why are you carrying a black dog? A dog is Bad. Are you carrying Shani on your shoulders? Leave it.” He thought it was a black goat and not a black dog and immediately left the black goat. (Reading English story Books PDF)
MORAL : In some cases what four say may not be true. We should not make decisions based on what they said or not. We should think carefully and take a good decision after knowing the facts in it.