In a town there are rich Vaishyas. They did business and earned good money. In many cases auspicious deeds were done in some house. At such a moment, the people who had eaten used to wash their hands together. At that time, the nails stuck to their hands could not come off. A crow went wherever there was a good deed and ate the ants and became well fed. One day a well-fed crow reached the shore of the sea. There it saw a swan. The crow, who had eaten the ants and got fat, challenged the swan to compete with him in flying. The swan replied, “Want to bet with you?” She laughed.
“Isn’t there a bird in this world that flies faster than you? I will defeat you and prove you wrong,” said the crow proudly. “Friend! You are no match for me. So look for another crow of your species and make a bet with it,” said the swan. “If you win over me then I will agree. Until then, you will keep talking to me like this?” The crow mockingly provoked the swan. Every day the raven, which eats the gnats, insults the swan and challenges it to a bet in flying with it. One day the crow agreed to bet the swan, unable to resist. where When will we fly? They decided that moment. (Swan and Crow Class 7 Friendship Moral Stories in English)
“Tomorrow you come to the sea, there you and I will compete,” said the swan. The crow agreed. The next day, if an auspicious event happened somewhere, the crow ate more of the food there and came to the competition. Both the birds started flying above the sea. The swan flies towards the sea. The crow followed it and flew for a long time. The swan picked up speed and went far from the shore towards the sea. Everywhere you look, you see only water, no land. A crow cannot fly.
She began to cry thinking, “I have made a bet with this swan, instead of sitting and eating the comfort of the tiger’s tail. I am unable to fly. At any moment, if I fall into the sea. There is no one to save me.” The crow weakened, and its eyes rolled back. Unable to fly, the crow fell down. The swan observed this scene. He felt pity for the dying crow. She took the crow falling into the sea. The crow fell on the swan’s back. And the swan turned back and dropped the crow on the shore. After some time, the crow came to his senses and said, “I never do such impossible things. Forgive me, Swan King!” She begged and went on her way. Later they came together as friends and understood each other. (Swan and Crow Class 7 Friendship Moral Stories in English)
MOARL : We should not challenge anyone unnecessarily by saying that we are great. We should remember that there are many people who are better than us.
Tiger and Stork Class 7 Friendship Moral Stories in English

There is a big tree in a forest. A tiger lives in the bush under that tree. There is a tree near it. A stork lives in a beautiful nest on that tree. Every day the tiger hunts and eats food. One day a tiger hunted a moose and ate its meat. Meanwhile, a small piece of bone got stuck in the tiger’s teeth. When it doesn’t come out, the tiger writhes in agony. The tiger tried hard to pull out the bone stuck in its teeth but failed. In this effort, the tongue has become a lot of work. The whole mouth is inflamed. Unable to bear the pain, the tiger roared loudly. The stork on the tree noticed the pain of the tiger. The tiger came to him and asked, “What happened?” asked the stork. “A piece of bone is stuck in the teeth. It is not coming out. This hurts me,” said the tiger. (Class 7 Friendship Moral Stories in English)
“Where? Open your mouth and show,” said the stork. The tiger opened his mouth and said, “You have virtue. Will you remove that bone with your long stick?” The stork felt very sorry for the pain of the tiger. She put her long beak in the tiger’s mouth and removed the bone stuck in her teeth. From that day they both became good friends. One day the tiger could not find any food. It was hungry. It was hungry. It could not find even a small animal. Meanwhile, a stork was seen on the tree. ‘I can’t bear the pain of hunger. It is enough to eat the stork for today. But the stork is my friend. How can I fill my stomach if I practice friendship?’ The tiger thought in her mind and let out a loud roar. Unable to bear the pain, she thrashed around on the ground.
The stork, who did not know that this was all an act, thought, “Something has happened to the tiger again,” came down from the tree and came to the tiger. “What happened, my friend!” asked the stork. I did nothing to you in return. I couldn’t repay your debt even by feeding you at least one meal. Meanwhile, the bone is stuck in the teeth again,” said the tiger. “Stuck again? Show me what?” asked the stork. “Take out that bone” said the tiger. “We are friends. We must help each other with friendship, friend?” said the stork. The stork put its head in the tiger’s mouth. The tiger immediately wanted to bite the stork’s head, but the stork noticed it and immediately removed the head. The stork understood the trick of the tiger and went away. (Class 7 Friendship Moral Stories in English)
MORAL : If you make friends with a ferocious person like a tiger, such dangers will occur.