It was a scorching summer and a crow was extremely thirsty due to the extreme sun and heat. It could not find water anywhere. Ponds, wells and canals have dried up. Although the crow turned somewhere, it did not find water. The tongue and throat are wet and dry. The crow did not know what to do. A crow looking for water found a pot. The crow looked inside the pot hoping that there would be water in it. Some water was seen somewhere at the bottom of that pot. The crow tried hard to drink that water. It did not reach because the water was at the bottom. The thirsty crow saw water but felt sad that he could not drink. Looking around, the crow saw pebbles near the pot. Soon the crow got a trick. She came holding each stone and slowly dropped it in the pot. All those stones reached the bottom of the water. As the rocks rose, the water rose. So the crow put pebbles in the pot until the water came up. After a while the water in the pot came up. The crow drank the water and quenched its thirst and flew happily. (Thirsty Crow A Small story in English)
Thirsty Crow A Small story in English with MORAL : Any danger can be avoided by cunning. When problems arise, if we are patient and work hard, we will find a solution.
King and Potter A Small story in English

In a village there was a potter who lived by making pots. One day he was carrying many pots to sell in the neighboring village. At that time his foot slipped and he fell on the opposite rock. A stone hit him and he got a big injury on his head and all the pots were broken. Potter was treated for the injury. The wound was reduced but the scar on the head remained. A few days later there was a terrible drought in that village. The potter could not survive in that village and went to the city with his wife. He went to find some work in the royal court. The king was mistaken when he saw the scar on the potter’s head. The king thought this scar was a battle wound. He praised the potter without going into details. “We need such heroes. The wound on his head is proof of his heroism,” said the king. (A Small story in English)
Even the potter did not speak and kept silent as he thought ‘it is enough to get a job’. One day the princes of many countries came and demonstrated their martial arts and received the praise of the king. “There are so many experts in our pool too,” the king announced proudly. But the king was surprised to see that the potter did not come forward. “Why are you not showing your education?” The king asked the potter. “King! I am a potter, I can do no other work than making pots,” said the potter. Hearing this, the king was furious. “Because of you today I lost my honor in front of them, get out of here before they do anything to you” shouted the king.
After hearing the king’s words, potter said, “If you give me an order, I will show you some kind of education.” The king smiled at the potter’s words and said, “Go to the nobles, potter. Do the education you know how to make pots with them. There is nothing you can do here” and sent the potter away from the King court. (A Small story in English)
MORAL : Whatever work comes to us, it is better to do that work. If we do something we don’t like, there is a risk of loss.