A washerman raised a donkey and a dog. He used to carry loads with a donkey, and a dog was used to guard the house. The donkey used to carry the clothes to be washed every day. There the laundress used to carry the washed clothes back to the house. On reaching the washerman’s house, the dog came affectionately and held his paws to me. Even the washerman would fondly play with it on its head for a while. Seeing all this, the donkey got jealous. ‘I am doing so much work carrying weights from morning till evening. Yet this owner loves the dog. Even for a single day, he did not take me close to him with affection.’ One day the washerman who came from the wharf as usual approached the dog affectionately, bowed his head lovingly, played with it for a while and went to take a bath. After bathing, the washerman rested on the bed. (Very short story in English story for Kids)
The donkey thought, ‘I also have legs like a dog, and if I fall on it, the owner will look at it with love.’ She ran as expected and licked her owner’s feet. The rain fell on him. Finally she put her feet on the owner’s back. Seeing all this, the owner, the washerman, fell down and screamed loudly. Hearing that cry, the washerman’s sons ran out of the house. Fearing that the donkey would trample their father, they took sticks and beat it. The donkey ran away from those blows. So comparing and imitating others is pointless.
Strong Eagle and weak Crow Very short story in English story for Kids
A few sheep are grazing in the vast pastures. A shepherd rests under the shade of a tree. An eagle perched on a tree observes these sheep. “Somehow one of these lambs must be snatched and eaten,” is the desire of the eagle. The eagle thought, ‘The lamb is too heavy to pick up and eat.’ A new born lamb fell into Eagle’s eye. Without delay, the eagle swooped down and ate the lamb. The shepherd could not help the eagle even after seeing this scene. A crow saw an eagle carrying a lamb. “Wow! How brave this eagle is. While watching, it kicked and ate the living lamb. A bird like me comfortably eats fleshy animals, but I still eat mice. Like an eagle, I too dare to eat lambs,” thought the crow. (Very short story in English story for Kids)
Soon a strong sheep was caught in its claws. No matter how much, the sheep could not be lifted up. In this attempt, the crow’s claws got stuck in the fur on the sheep’s body. No matter how much it is not coming. The shepherd saw this scene. He had a misconception that a crow would peck a sheep and hurt it. He immediately killed the crow with his stick. So we have to season according to our taste.
Goddess advice Very short story in English story for Kids
A rich man used to worship the deity idol in his house every day. He made good money. He is not a benefactor of people. He still wanted to be rich. Some spiritual elders have advised together that “if you do special prayers you will still be rich”. Believing their words, the rich man started using all his money to do some special prayers every day. With that, his money melted away. One day when he was sleeping, the goddess appeared in his dream. (Very short story in English story for Kids)
“You are spending all your money on unnecessary worship. If this happens for a while, you will not be poor again. After you become poor, you will blame me. It is customary to blame God for every foolishness of hardship. So learn to save money instead of wasting it, use some of it for the need. You help some poor. So give the rest of your money to the poor and needy Use it to support,” said the goddess.
A Genius answer Very short story in English story for Kids
In a village there was a scholar who was known to be very intelligent. One day he was sitting in a quiet place in the harbor and writing. Some workers in the same port came there. As they had nothing to do that day, they decided to let Medhavi play. After waiting for a long time Medhavi was annoyed to say something. (Very short story in English story for Kids)
Then Madhavi said “Friends! Once upon a time this whole earth was full of water. God wanted to swallow this water in three parts. First part he swallowed some water. Hills and mountains were formed in that place. Second part he swallowed another part of water. In that place a flat land was formed and became habitable for humans. Third part. After giving up the attempt to swallow the rest of the water The port was formed. If this port was not formed, it would not have worked for you. Then they would go around talking like this all the time,” said the genius. The port workers who had been teasing him till then were stunned by that answer. If we try to tease those who are smarter than us, their answers will make us dizzy.